Sunday, February 10, 2008

What is MACULSpace?

I'm a little out of sequence, but if you want some details about MACULSpace, here it is.

MACUL stands for Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning and is a network of 373 members who are primarily educators who incorporate computer technology in their teaching.

In my opinion, this is a very beneficial site because it provides an opportunity for us educators to network with each other about technology issues - whether it be trouble shooting a problem or getting input and advice before trying something new. I can see myself using this site in the future for a number of things - from helping myself to stay abreast of new technology and getting ideas of how to use it in the classroom, to seeking experiential advice on new tools or online simulations that I come across and want to try in my classroom. I've already learned a lot just from reading other posts on this site.

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