Sunday, February 24, 2008

Guest Lecture re: tags

I was somewhat disappointed with this. Perhaps it was just me, but my reaction was that the value I gleaned from this would have taken about 5-10 minutes to share if it had been more organized. Things I found interesting:
- website that creates tag cloud from a body of text -
- resource you can put on your own website and use to create tag clouds - zoomclouds
- games - ESP game aka Google Image labeler - kind of cool, but I can't begin to imagine the day when I have enough free time to look for things to do, like ESP
- advice for tagging - this was my question going in, which was finally answered at the very end - no real advice or right/wrong way to tag - spontaneity is best

I apologize if I'm offending anyone or being too harsh. In all honesty, this is the first time I felt one of our listening/reading assignments wasn't worth the time, so that's pretty good compared to most classes, especially considering this is the first time for this class.

1 comment:

Michael McVey said...

You sure aren't offending me. I'm convinced now that I won't be using this talk again. I use tagcrowd in some of my papers to see what overarching lexical themes emerge. The longer the paper, the better this works.