Wednesday, January 30, 2008

MACUL Tech issue

I joined the MACUL Ning site earlier today and was quite intrigued by one of the posts, which focused on the availability of web 2.0 in schools and the pros/cons of the security filters, etc. that most schools impose on their internet access. The blog discussion has been going on since mid-November and does an excellent job of examining the issue from both sides. I could relate to this because one of my frustrations as a technology teacher is that so many websites are blocked - from google to, and what seems like a limitless list in between.

I appreciate and respect the community's and board's desire to protect our students from inappropriate information and images, but I also think that by the time students are 16-18 years old, they're old enough to be responsible for their actions and need to learn how to make good choices - how will they survive the real world if they can't be trusted to use the internet appropriately when there's an adult present?

Another issue that was poitned out, is that not all teachers are actively engaged in watching their students when they're on computers. While I'm sure there are some teachers who sit behind their desk and do their own work while their students are on the computers, I don't think this represents the majority of teachers. Perhaps I'm still too new a teacher to have a realistic view, but I think most teachers are actively walking around the room observing and assisting students who are on the internet, etc.

If you're interested in reading some of their arguments yourself, here's the link to the discussion.

If you're a teacher who uses technology, I'd be interested to hear your praises and/or frustrations with using technology in your district.


Anonymous said...

>>they're old enough to be responsible for their actions and need to learn how to make good choices - how will they survive the real world if they can't be trusted to use the internet appropriately when there's an adult present?

Speaking as a parent, how do you determine what is considered appropriate or not between two students raised with different values and virtues? I don't like the idea of some administrator making that choice for me and my child/student. I would like to see a balance between an open internet and sites that previewed and approved prior to class. I don't see it much different than a class' reading list. I want to know what books they will be reading.

Brenda said...

Buck - thanks for your comments. I agree with you, especially at the high school level. I have mostly 11th and 12th graders - if they can't handle it now when I'm looking over their shoulder, how will they ever survive college and adhulthood.

I appreciate that we don't want porn popping up on everyone computer screen, but it seems like many of the school filters over-compensate.